Osceola, Missouri
This picture is of a 20 H.P. Advance engine which blew up in
South Central Pike County, Missouri near New Hartford and Olney,
killing three friends; Bill Butler, Jap Trower, and Paul
The explosion occurred early A.M. Had threshed about 50 bu. of
which clamped on the drive wheel to cut off pole wood for fuel. Jap
was using it. The explosion occurred so quickly no one seemed to
see anything but a cloud of steam, but when it cleared up Bill
Butler had the top of his head sheared off, Jasper Trower and an
18′ section of fly wheel was found about 125 feet with Trowers
body badly scattered about, and a drive wheel came to rest on Paul
Prichett’s head. Casper Prichett’s son was sitting on the
water tank and came out with only a foot injury; 3 killed, 1
injured. Front axle & wheels halfway to thresher, drive belt
torn into 3 pieces, engine and gears, etc. stripped from boiler,
engine blown back and turned almost half around. This tragedy
occurred in July, 1921. My brother-in-laws ‘Moran Brothers’
bought the thresher, a Red River Special and a new N & S 20
H.P. engine in 1922 and as I had come back to Missouri from
Oklahoma where I had been drilling during War I and after the blow
up I tended separator for them 1922. We threshed in the same field
and I looked the wreck over very carefully. The fire box was in
good condition, safety plug in good condition, no series pits or
flaws, stay bolts OK but lots of lime coating on flues, etc. In my
opinion the flues having a heavy coating on them and firing with
well seasoned rails probable red hot flues and the lime cracked,
letting water to red hot flues causing the sudden pressure which no
pop or safety valve could begin to take care of.
Bill Butler, owner of engine, was a well experienced thresher
and saw man. Jap Trower firing and tending the engine was a good
hand and experienced and they were threshing for Prichett who had
just come in from the field and was getting a drink from a water
barrel. I don’t believe they knew what hit them.
I now live 200 miles from the place and have had my Nephew B.M.
Elton gather data on the occurrence with the help of his Uncles
Charlie Davis and Arthur Hays, who were there. They all live in
that community.