Account of the Seventh Annual Exhibition Tri-State Historical
Steam Engine Association, Inc.
Bigger and better! These words fittingly describe our latest
effort to present our steam engine show for the folks of the
tri-state area. More than 6000 spectators were all in accord that
we had given the most entertaining program of our short history.
was dry and dusty. Water for the engines posed a problem, but we
were able to have stored enough in tanks to see us through.
Visitors from as far as Florida, Kentucky, West Virginia and
Canada were with us and the Lynn Langworthys made their annual
journey from Alfred, New York. R. A. Booth, of Salem, Ohio, a
charter member of our organization, served us well at the
microphone. His factual explanations and witty remarks kept all
informed of the various activities in progress as well as highly
Our general Super intendancy, Nello Mungai, had the grounds in
excellent condition, and his handling of the exhibits and
management of all events added greatly to the success of the event.
Ken Williams and son, Bert, of Crown Metal Products Co., had their
small steam train, ‘Tiny Toot’ on the job and in operation.
This proved quite popular with both old and young patrons of our
John Sell had his shingle mill of 1862 vintage in operation.
This proved to be one of the most popular events of the day and
many persons went away with a souvenir shingle under their arm.
Dean Redd added another traction engine to our collection, another
Peerless which he had just restored. J. L. Cotter and Sons provided
us with several stationary engines, as well as others and several
gas engines made their appearance. Fred McCoy had his steam fire
engine on hand although it was not in operation.
Major events of the day included sawing, threshing, baling,
clover hulling, flour making and fan demonstrations. Twice -daily
parades featured all engines, antique and modern tractors, antique
cars and trucks, and horses. The Alrutz brothers showed two fine
teams, and Plummer Smith powered the horse power baler with his
team, as usual.