Since the last issue of the ALBUM was mailed we have received
the ‘Steam Whistle’ the publication of the above
Association and it has a list of recently elected officers which
are as follows:
President, Howard Blanken forth R. D. 2, Lynden, Washington
Vice-President, Ernest Burnett 1546 6th St., N. W., Salem, Oregon
Hubert C. Vincent Goldendale, Washington
Directors are: W. R. Spree man, Olds, Alberta; Neil Brady-Brown
3677 W. 19th Ave., Vancouver, B. C; Charles W. Anthes, 6204
Magnolia Ave., Riverside, California; John J. Uhlenkott,
Keuterville, Idaho; E. L. Stinson, 478 N. Main, Kalispell, Montana;
Rodney Pitts, R. D. 3, Box 47, Canby, Oregon; L. K. Wood, Mendon.
Utah; C. M. Busch, Colton, Washington.