Mr. Hellwinckel, in sending us this report of the Butterfield
show, has this to say about the featured engine: ‘The BTA flyer
refers to this steamer as a ‘110’. I believed this to be
incorrect for I remembered reading an article which ‘Slim’
Rennewanz, Box 145, Ennis, Montana 59729, wrote stating the 32 HP
steamer could be distinguished from the ‘110’ by noting the
‘110’. My 1915 Case threshing machinery catalogue pictures
a ‘110’ with a double row of seven rivets in front of the
boiler; the BTA engine simply has three. ‘Slim’, who in my
opinion knows as much as any of the Case steam engine experts (and
more than most), I thought would be the man to check with, so I
sent him some photos and asked his opinion.’ Mr. Hellwinckel
sent us a copy of Mr. Rennewanz’s letter, some of which we
reproduce here: ‘The Case engine in question is certainly a
Case 32 HP, in general appearance built in 1908, which was the last
year the 32 HP was built. According to Case records they built 334
simple traction engines rated 32 HP, 24 simple skid engines, one
simple portable engine 32 HP, one portable boiler as used on the 32
engine and 18 skid boilers the same size as used and rated for the
32 HP engine. The early models of the 32 HP engines had a two speed
gear and a flat topped dome with the steam feed line coming out of
it near the side of the dome. They also had a cast iron heater plus
cast iron cylinder bracket which was eliminated in 1907. Also the
flat sided connecting rod was replaced with the channel type rod
and steel cylinder brackets were added and steel heaters were then
used. In 1908 the round top dome was also used. The boilers were
three row riveted lap seam type with short smoke box. Any 12 by 12
Case engine with a short smoke box is the old 32 HP. In 1910 Case
changed all their HP ratings and used the long smoke box on their
boilers. The last Case 32 HP engine was built in 1908, serial
number 21208. The first 110 Case traction engine was built in 1910,
serial number 22990. The last Case 110d HP engine (traction simple)
was built in 1913, serial number 29592. The last 110 Case skid
engine was built in 1914, serial number 30795.
‘Now as to the engine sold at the Neil Miller sale: it came
from Silver Star, Montana, out of a collection of old engines by
Lloyd Harkins. He got the engine from Boulder, Montana, where it
had been in a county sawmill, as a skid engine driving a R.R.
Howell no. 6 sawmill with gang edger top rig and swing cut-off saw
slab conveyer, etc. This mill was later electric powered. The
engine had sat at Silver Star for some years on skids. Wheels and
gearing were gathered up around the Great Falls area, mainly from a
wrecked 110 HP Case. The rear drive wheels had another set of 110
rear drivers bolted to them for extension rims. This made the drive
wheels six feet in width, which was rather ridiculous.’
What do our readers think?