WHICH CAME FIRST: The Furphy or the Buffalo Pitts?

By John Norris
Published on November 1, 1985
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Fowler traction engine s/c no. 8841 hauling Furphy water cart just restored by John Wolverson, May 5, 1981.
Fowler traction engine s/c no. 8841 hauling Furphy water cart just restored by John Wolverson, May 5, 1981.
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End casting, Furphy water cart.
End casting, Furphy water cart.
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End castings, Buffalo Pitts water cart.
End castings, Buffalo Pitts water cart.
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This was sent to us by Eisner Machacek, 714 Union St., Northfield, Minnesota 55057.
This was sent to us by Eisner Machacek, 714 Union St., Northfield, Minnesota 55057.

RMB 364 Beaufort 3373 Victoria, Australia

The firm of J. Furphy and Sons Ltd. operate an engineering works
at Sheppart on in Victoria, Australia. Over the past 100 plus years
they have produced a wide range of agricultural products grain
strippers, ploughs, scarifies, land graders, feed troughs, just to
mention a few.

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