Whittlin’ Round The Cracker Barrel

By George Shepherd
Published on May 1, 1969
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Courtesy of George Shepherd, 808 Colony St., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The Sergeants and Staff Sergeants of the North West Mounted Police. Photograph taken at Fort Walsh in the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan in 1879. The commissioned officers of the
Courtesy of George Shepherd, 808 Colony St., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The Sergeants and Staff Sergeants of the North West Mounted Police. Photograph taken at Fort Walsh in the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan in 1879. The commissioned officers of the
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Courtesy of George Shepherd, 808 Colony St., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Canada. Scaffold burial of an Indian. The body was wrapped in a buffalo robe and with a few gifts was placed on a scaffold or up in the branches of trees and left in the care of the Gre
Courtesy of George Shepherd, 808 Colony St., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Canada. Scaffold burial of an Indian. The body was wrapped in a buffalo robe and with a few gifts was placed on a scaffold or up in the branches of trees and left in the care of the Gre

Author of ‘West of Yesterday’ and ‘Brave
Heritage’ and Curator of the Western Development Museum at
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada essays to talk about old time

Perhaps, before I start to talk about threshing in Canada at the
turn of the Century I should tell you a little bit about these

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