RD1, Levanna, Aurora, New York 13026
I have read and enjoyed The Iron-Men Album for a good many
years. I have often wondered why there weren’t more articles
and letters from people in our Eastern States. It sure is fun to
read of everyone’s experiences from all over the world. But in
one way or another some of the stories that are told when 3 or 4 of
an Engine that needs a little help, should be ‘captured’
and written on paper. The results would be fun for everyone. I
realize in some cases, a lot of editing would be required. Perhaps
some of the character would be lost in the translation. Probably no
one has the time.
I find I have some time tonight. It’s 9 degrees above, one
AM, and I have a pair of twin lambs drying by the Kitchen stove. We
already have over 100 of the little creatures and more coming every
day or night. They need a lot of care this early in the season,
when it is so cold out, but it gets the job out of the way well in
advance of any spring farm work.
My great-grandfather kept sheep. The family has always had a
flock and now it seems to be my turn. I have threatened to get rid
of them several times, especially after they have been in a
neighbors garden or after dogs had been in them. Two years ago, we
lost 43 sheep because of them. Needless to say, a few dogs never
went home.
We farm 300 acres mostly cash crops, Red Kidney Beans, Corn,
Wheat, Oats, and Hay. It is, but a drop in the bucket especially
when some of our neighbors have 700-1000 acres of just corn.
However, we seem to be able to find enough grain to cut, with
our Horses on the McCormick Binder for our little Spring Grove
Steam Show.
We held our 7th Annual Spring Grove Steam Show here, last July
21 and 22. It was a great success. My 16 year old daughter, Nancy,
has written this report. I will add just this: ‘What we lack in
numbers of engines, we make up for being authentic. The bundles are
drawn away in wagon boxes with horses. The water is hauled to the
engines with a horse-drawn, Water wagon. We go all the way, no
modern equipment is used until we unload the grain wagons.’
Be the Good Lord willing, the next show will be July 20 and 21,