Oskaloosa, Iowa
Thank you for calling my attention to the expiration of my
subscription to The IRON-MEN ALBUM Magazine. Enclosed is my check
in the amount of $2 for my renewal. I would not want to be without
your Magazine.
My father and I ran a threshing machine for thirty-five years.
a 10 hp. Nichols and Shepard, solid gear (no clutch) with the
Nichols and Shepard separator, hand fed, hand measured and with the
old automatic swing stacker. Later we traded this for an old style
Rumely and and a Russell separator; then later for an other old
style Rumely 15 hp. and a new Case steel separator 32×54; later we
had another old style Rumely 15 hp. and a 28×50 Case steel
separator. A Birdsell clover huller and a 12 roll Safety Fodder
Shredder. I have been through the mill. I expect to attend your
reunion to be held some time in September at Mt. Pleasant,