Young People’s Page

By Sheldon Jones
Published on May 1, 1973
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Leckie Smocal Co. Dinkey's near Anjean, West Virginia. Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Box 144-D, RFD 1, Ijamsville, Maryland 21754.
Leckie Smocal Co. Dinkey's near Anjean, West Virginia. Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Box 144-D, RFD 1, Ijamsville, Maryland 21754.
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Rod engine with steam shovel in tow. Photo taken near Duo, West Virginia. Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Box 144-D, RFD 1, Ijamsville, Maryland 21754.
Rod engine with steam shovel in tow. Photo taken near Duo, West Virginia. Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Box 144-D, RFD 1, Ijamsville, Maryland 21754.

Torque Power Live Steam Models Hyattstown, Box 144-D R. F. D.,
Ijamsville, Maryland 21754

Hi There Young Engineers:

It has been some time since I have had an opportunity to write
the Young People’s Page, as the last several months have kept
me very busy. Those of us who live in mid Maryland have been

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