Torque Power Live Steam Models Hyattstown, Box 144-D R. F. D.,
Ijamsville, Maryland 21754
Hi There Young Engineers:
It has been some time since I have had an opportunity to write
the Young People’s Page, as the last several months have kept
me very busy. Those of us who live in mid Maryland have been
and there hasn’t been more than one half inch of snow so far
this winter. It seems as if we are having an early spring at
present with temperatures in the low seventies.
By the time most of you read this, it will be spring and the
beginning of the Steam Show season, and like most of you, I am
looking forward to attending as many of the shows as I can.
I recently acquired over a hundred photographs taken during the
1920’s and I930’s. The photographs were taken by my late
Grandfather, E. Morris McClung. Grandfather McClung was an avid
photographer and at the time these photos were taken he was living
in Greenbrier County, which is located in southern West Virginia.
At the time there was a great deal of logging and coal mining going
on. Many of the photos are of trains used in the coal mining and
logging operations which I thought you might enjoy seeing. There
will be more of these in future articles.
Well, this is all for right now.