Torque Power, Hive Steam Models, Hyattstown, Box 144-D, R. F.
D., Ijamsville, Maryland 21754
Hi There Young Engineers:
At the writing of this, it is the first of September and about
the end of the show season. So far I have attended the Shenandoah
Valley Steam and Gas Engine Association show at Berryville,
Association at Federalsburg, Maryland. At both shows I was
accompanied by Geary Boggs of Frederick, Md. Geary is eleven years
old and has been a steam enthusiast since the age of seven.
Geary’s dad, Bill Boggs, is a well known guitarist and one of
the employees at the Micro-Frets Corporation. Geary assisted me in
the foundry and blacksmithing exhibit at Berryville and the Eastern
While at the Berryville show Geary and I stayed at the home of
Paul Giles in West Virginia which is near Berryville. I would like
to thank Paul Giles and family for their hospitality. I always
enjoy visiting with the Gileses as it affords me an opportunity to
learn more about the twin water wheel mill which is Paul’s
pride and joy. The mill is something that many of you young people
would enjoy seeing and should do if you are near Bunker Hill, West
Va. Paul takes great pride in showing his mill to visitors and
explaining about it. Even though the Berryville show was held under
the constant threat of rain, this did not stop the steam engine
enthusiasts from coming. I really enjoyed the show and especially
talking with the many readers of this page who come by to see me.
Many of the young people I talked with were getting into the
building of model steam engines and the making of their own cast
parts. The young people who are coming into the hobby now will
insure the continuance of the hobby and should be encouraged to do
so. In the past several years I have heard some very poor remarks
made by some of the older engineers in regard to the appearance of
our young engineers. In particular to the length of the hair that
many of our engineers have. Fortunately not all of the older
engineers feel this was as one told me, ‘I don’t care how
long their hair is, as long as they like steam engines they are all
right in my book’. I think this is the best attitude to
I always look forward in particular to attending the Eastern
Shore Thresherman’s show and this year was no exception. Even
though the Eastern Shore show has grown considerably since I first
wrote about it there is still a feeling of being welcome when you
attend this show, and this is very important to the exhibitors who
put a great deal of time and effort into attending the shows. The
newest attraction at the show is Smokey Joe the steam train. I am
not sure who the engineer was as there were so many tending to the
engine. It put me in mind of my two nephews playing with their new
train set last Christmas. It is interesting how a steam engine can
bring out the little boy in those who are past sixty. We had very
nice sunny weather for the show, it seemed like there were more
people than ever attending. John Ellingsen, one of our young
engineers at the show was unable to attend as he was at sea in the
Merchant Marines. John’s dad told me that he had been almost
completely around the world. Some people have all the luck.
Jim Layton of the Eastern Shore Threshermens and Paul Giles of
Shenandoah Valley, Presidents of the clubs deserve a great deal of
credit for their efforts, it is certainly not an easy job.
Well, this is all for now.