R. D. 2, Fairfield, Iowa.
I received my copy of the May-June issue and enjoyed the Case
and N & S histories, and hope to see more like them. Am
enclosing seven dollars for the following books: * * *.
I am one of the younger steam fans. The first steam engine I saw
was 12 years ago, a Russell, 16 hp., in use at a sorghum mill for
juice. This was when I was 8 years old and was on a farm northeast
of Burlington, Iowa near where we once lived. That was what aroused
my interest in steam.
Dad and I have attended the Midwest Old Settlers Reunion at
Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and I think it is a shame so many fine steam
engine still in good shape, have been junked before the beginning
of the threshermens reunions now in existence and just getting
started in other places. I think it is very fine there is the
interest in these associations for this was a very definite part of
the American scene and one to have the equipment and thoughts
preserved for the younger generations benefits.
Have been receiving the ALBUM for some time and we all like it
fine. Keep it coming.