During Arcade Manufacturing Co.’s heyday, as the Freeport
Journal-Standard reported, “Toys and other products of the
Arcade Manufacturing Co. have become known throughout the world due
to a consistent plan of advertising which the company has followed
over a period of years.”
That program included direct advertising to wholesalers and
“To acquaint a still wider circle of consumers on the merits of
Arcade toys,” the newspaper articles said, “national advertising
has been used with much success over periods of three months”
preceding the announcements of new toys.
In addition to the success with its toys, the company started a
separate division to deal with other companies that appreciated
what Arcade was doing in foundry work. “Knowledge of their
achievements became known in the foundry trade,” noted the
Journal-Standard. “Others came to discuss their production
problems, and almost without effort a very substantial new division
of the business grew up, devoted to the manufacture and sale of
molding machines, and allied equipment for iron and brass
foundries. Arcade molding machines are represented in the equipment
of practically all of the best known foundries in the United States
and Canada, a few of the company’s customers being: Buick Motor
Co., Cadillac Motor Car Co., Ford Motor Co., Chevrolet Motor Co.,”
and many more. A great deal of foundry equipment was also exported