Minneapolis Moline Model Z Restored By Son

By Willard Sorter
Published on April 4, 2013
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The Minneapolis-Moline Model Z before restoration.
The Minneapolis-Moline Model Z before restoration.
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Willard's restored Model Z (No. 610740S).
Willard's restored Model Z (No. 610740S).
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Rear view of the restored tractor.
Rear view of the restored tractor.

This 1940 Minneapolis-Moline
Model Z was bought by my father, Art Sorter, on July 1, 1940, from Harstad
Implement, Newfolden, Minn., along with a 3-14 Minneapolis-Moline
plow and 7-foot Minneapolis-Moline mower, all for less than $850 (about $14,000
today). To get it back running, it cost almost $3,000, not counting many hours
of work cleaning, painting, sandblasting, disassembly and reassembly. I also

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