2019 Show Season Wrapped in Family Ties

Entries in this year’s show photo edition give a clear picture of the strength of family ties, and the ways those ties strengthen the old iron hobby.

By The Farm Collector Staff
Published on January 13, 2020
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by Karen Bos
At the 2019 Old Fashioned Threshing Bee near Geneseo, Ill., Kevin Bos harvests wheat with his John Deere Model D and binder. The event was launched by brothers Chuck and Kevin Bos, who share a passion for teaching people where their food comes from and demonstrating traditional farm practices. Visitors are encouraged to get involved through hands-on activities.

What’s stronger than old iron? Family ties. Entries in this year’s show photo edition give a clear picture of the strength of family ties, and the ways those ties strengthen the old iron hobby.

First, of course, there are the families themselves – sometimes up to four generations share a hobby. The elders lend wisdom and experience; the younger folks have strong backs and limitless enthusiasm. And none of them love anything better than giving a toddler his or her first look at a tractor or engine.

Then there are the families who work together to keep displays alive after Dad or Granddad or Great-Granddad are no longer able to. As subsequent generations may feel little for the display beyond affection for the person who put it together, this is a particularly sweet labor of love.

When family members from various generations work together, good things almost always result. Oh sure, little pop-up storms may occasionally dampen spirits – that’s inevitable! – but that kind of shared activity results in a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. The bond created helps each to know the other in a new and deeper way than is afforded through brief chats at family reunions and holiday gatherings.

Family ties also wrap around pieces that outlast their owners. When someone tackles restoration of Dad’s or Granddad’s old tractor, it’s hard to imagine a more meaningful tribute – unless it would be a family’s determination to keep their parents’ show going after the parents’ deaths. See for yourself: Each of these pictures tells a thousand words. Enjoy the story!

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