I love your magazine. I’ve been gathering old tools, tinware, milk canisters and lamps for several years now. My father used to talk about a Hart-Parr tractor on the farm in Poland. I don’t know the model number other than it had iron wheels and a side flywheel. Also there is an excellent collection of edged tools (axes, adzes and machetes) in the Canton Historical Museum in Collinsville, Conn. It’s in the former Collins Axe Co. building. Collins even made a 1-bottom horse plow that was red. Thanks again!
Claude PrzybyszPlainville, Conn.Send letters to: Farm Collector, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; FAX: (785) 274-4385; e-mail: editor@farmcollector.com.