Planters Old and New and Dairy Centrifuge Identification

By Farm Collector Readers
Published on February 10, 2023
article image
courtesy Fred Hendricks

The steady click, click, click of the corn planter

Illustration of a Massey-Harris corn planter. It's red with yellow wheels.

The article by Sam Moore in the October 2022 issue of Farm Collector about check-row corn planting brought back many memories. I grew up in west central Illinois and with the 20- to 40-acre flat fields, check-row planting was the most popular method of planting corn. It was sort of an unofficial contest among the neighbors to have the straightest cross rows. Pulling the same tension on the wire each time the anchor stake was reset and driving the correct speed were important to getting a straight cross row. I recall my grandfather riding on the planter with a stop watch to determine what speed to drive to drop the ideal number of hills per minute.

My dad had a horse-drawn two-row John Deere planter that he had converted to pull with a John Deere Model B tractor. In about 1943, he bought a 1936 John Deere B to replace his last team of horses. The planter tongue was cut shorter and a quadrant lever mounted to the tongue that could be operated from the tractor seat. A tie rod connected the “new lever” to the original planter lift lever. A pull rope was attached to the trip mechanism to release the wire from the check-row head.

When I was 6 or 8 years old, I rode on the planter seat and “helped Dad” by pushing the wire release pedal when dad stopped at the end of the field. It was a stretch for me to reach the trip pedal. One time, I was getting into position to trip the wire when we were about 100 feet from the end of the field. I accidentally touched the pedal and released the wire. I instantly became my dad’s least favorite son as he had to hand plant about 5 to 10 hills to fill in the missed hills. I remember to this day the steady click, click, click of the corn planter.

James R. Smith, LaMotte, Iowa

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