Plow Finds and Silage Stomping Technique

Readers solve May's mystery of the donkey and the silo.

By Farm Collector readers
Updated on May 23, 2022
article image
by Wayne Rogers
Wayne Rogers' restored Kelly Plow Co. plow on display

Playing a trick on city dweller

Regarding “Harvesting Fence Posts” in the April 2022 issue of Farm Collector: The hedge balls pictured reminded me of a fall day many years ago. Family friends were visiting from the city. We decided to go to the woods to gather black walnuts. There was a large hedge row near where we were gathering nuts. I told a lady in the group that much larger nuts were over by the hedge row. She gathered a half bushel of hedge balls and carried them about a half mile to the house. Everyone but her had a big laugh when we told her what she had lugged to the house.

John Heath, Sullivan, Ohio

fallen hedge apples among leaf litter

Memories of hedge rows

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