An American Agriculture Collection with Eye Appeal

By Leslie C. Mcmanus
Published on March 6, 2017
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Gate latchers are among the random items in Steve's collection.
Gate latchers are among the random items in Steve's collection.
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Sulky plow footrests in Steve's collection. Countless footrests were scrapped years ago. Today, most of those that survived are in collectors' hands.
Sulky plow footrests in Steve's collection. Countless footrests were scrapped years ago. Today, most of those that survived are in collectors' hands.
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The cast iron base of this Sampson windmill store sample makes it unusual. Such pieces usually have a wood base, Steve says.
The cast iron base of this Sampson windmill store sample makes it unusual. Such pieces usually have a wood base, Steve says.
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Windmill wights march across a shelf.
Windmill wights march across a shelf. "I would rather see them on a windmill," Steve says, noting that they would then be vulnerable to theft. "It's just a sign of the times," he says.
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Phyllis and Steve Renz with some of their collectibles. The ornamental weather vanes shown at top center are typical of those that a wealthy farmer might have owned, Steve says.
Phyllis and Steve Renz with some of their collectibles. The ornamental weather vanes shown at top center are typical of those that a wealthy farmer might have owned, Steve says. "Some are really uncommon," he says.
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Steve’s buggy rein holders run the gamut from utilitarian to artistic. “Some latch, some are springloaded,” he says. “One even says J.I. Case on it.”
Steve’s buggy rein holders run the gamut from utilitarian to artistic. “Some latch, some are springloaded,” he says. “One even says J.I. Case on it.”
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The round seat on this Evans planter is not original to the implement. The unit’s original round seat is in another collector’s hands.
The round seat on this Evans planter is not original to the implement. The unit’s original round seat is in another collector’s hands.
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Original dealer stencils are clearly visible on the planter boxes.
Original dealer stencils are clearly visible on the planter boxes.
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This promotion for Adriance, Platt & Co. is printed on a canvas-like fabric. “It’s a very unusual type of advertising medium,” Steve says.
This promotion for Adriance, Platt & Co. is printed on a canvas-like fabric. “It’s a very unusual type of advertising medium,” Steve says.
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Original hand-painted pinstriping on Steve’s Morrison sulky plow.
Original hand-painted pinstriping on Steve’s Morrison sulky plow.
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Steve has four windmills, including this Model L Baker.
Steve has four windmills, including this Model L Baker.
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Even the lowly buggy tag captures the elegance of a bygone era.
Even the lowly buggy tag captures the elegance of a bygone era.
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This Fuller & Johnson seat is the first seat Steve bought.
This Fuller & Johnson seat is the first seat Steve bought.
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Steve’s Buckeye mower appears to be fully functional. He hopes to find traces of original paint beneath the relatively new paint that was on the piece when he bought it.
Steve’s Buckeye mower appears to be fully functional. He hopes to find traces of original paint beneath the relatively new paint that was on the piece when he bought it.

Steve Renz stands solidly in today’s world. He depends on computers, smartphones and advanced farm machinery. Despite that – or perhaps because of that – he is also completely captivated by the past.

A farmer in Superior, Nebraska, Steve has spent a lifetime gathering fine relics that celebrate the history of American agriculture. Including everything from gate latchers to buggy rein holders, windmills to horse-drawn implements, lithographs to cast iron seats, his collection salutes an era now lost to the dust of time.

Some collectors fall in love with a line of engines or tractors. Others are caught up by early technological processes, like that found in steam engines. Still others gravitate to specific items – hog oilers, tools, memorabilia. Steve’s collection is not easily categorized, but much of it is centered on the artistry of the past: the elegant detail of early industrial design, all the more remarkable for its application to the hardworking business of farming. “For me,” he says, “a lot of it has to do with eye appeal.”

Starting with seats

Steve traces his interest in antique farm pieces to his college years. “My roommate and his family collected old stuff,” he says, “and my parents did, too. My dad never traded anything off.” Steve got his start simply enough, collecting coins and stamps. “It’s called a disorder,” he muses, with a smile.

By the mid-1990s, he’d begun to specialize. “It really started with seats,” he says. “But after I got so many, it got harder to find the ones I was looking for, or they cost more.”

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