Farm Tools of the Trade

By Cindy Ladage
Published on November 1, 2000
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Cast iron planter plates on the back of William Kuntz's trailer make this display impossible to miss. The trailer's open sides show off his collection of wrenches and jacks.
Cast iron planter plates on the back of William Kuntz's trailer make this display impossible to miss. The trailer's open sides show off his collection of wrenches and jacks.
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Jacks and bottle jacks, on display in William Kuntz's trailer.
Jacks and bottle jacks, on display in William Kuntz's trailer.
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A cast iron planter plate: Reid's Yellow Dent.
A cast iron planter plate: Reid's Yellow Dent.
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Big jacks, including one by J.V. Beister on the left.
Big jacks, including one by J.V. Beister on the left.

Where do you put a huge collection of farm tools? William Kuntz, Goodfield, Ill., improvised: he built a trailer for his collection of farm tools.

William’s been collecting for 16 years. In that amount of time, the treasures start to pile up.

“I have around 900 antique wrenches, 160 antique jacks and 700 old cast iron planter plates,” he said.

The trailer display he’s built features doors that swing out to open. Collectible farm tools are mounted on shelves inside, and another collection is displayed on the back end. It’s custom-made for his collection.

“I started with an old mobile home running gear,” he said. “I used lumber from an old house. The trailer display has doors that open. The display then is inside and out, plus items that are mounted on the trailer.”

He finished the trailer display – a winter project – about six years ago.

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