Written on the photo: “Janousky Bros. threshing rice on Geo. W. Streets’ farm, Hazen, Ark.”
I came across a box of old pictures at my aunt’s house. She is 90 years old and doesn’t know much about them.
As for the rice harvest scene, I know that my grandma on my mother’s side was a Janousky, so I know it’s a family photo. Can anyone identify the thresher? It appears to be wooden. How about the steam engine at the back right?

As for the water well photo, I checked with the Layne Arkansas well drilling company in Stuttgart, Arkansas, and their logbook showed this well was drilled in August 1907. The drilling rig is on the left and it says a 25hp engine is pulling it. Can anyone identify the engine? Is it the same one shown in the rice harvest photo? Maybe this is also a family photo.
Contact: Randy Skarda, 1106 East Jackson St., Hazen, AR 72064; (870) 830-2888
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