Fordson Super Dexta Tractor Revives Island Tradition

Anglesey man brings cherished famiy tractor — and local ploughing competition — back to life.

By Josephine Roberts
Updated on May 20, 2023
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by Josephine Roberts
The cost of the Fordson Super Dexta was £605 when new in 1963, but the dealership gave Wil’s father £200 for his old Ferguson, so he only had to part with £405 to get the shiny new tractor.

Retired farmer, ploughman and collector of agricultural relics revives family 1963 Fordson Super Dexta tractor and the Isle of Anglesey ploughing competition.

Wil Hughes is a retired farmer, a ploughman and a collector of agricultural relics who lives on the Isle of Anglesey. The island consists of 276 square miles of mostly agricultural land joined to mainland Wales by two bridges that cross the beautiful, fast-flowing Menai Straights. Wil is Anglesey-born and -bred, and he has a fondness for the island’s old tractors, of which there are many, for this is an area rich in farming history.

Much of North Wales is hilly and is more suited to sheep rearing than corn growing, but Anglesey is flat and fertile, and has long been a popular area for grain growing. Many families, like Wil’s, were dependent on farming for their income, and many people have fond memories of tractors that once belonged to long-passed away relatives and ancestors.

Wil is lucky in that he now owns one of the tractors that his late father owned and farmed with, and it is a very treasured item. He recalls the day that the tractor arrived on the family farm as if it was yesterday.

“I will never forget the day,” Wil says with a laugh. “It was a Friday, which was always a good day in school, but this day it was even better, as I knew that our new tractor would have arrived when I got home.”

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