722 East End Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17602
At the Delaware State Fair in 1976, Governor Sherman W. Tribbett
signed the bill for an appropriation of $1,200,000 for an
Agricultural Museum to be built at the State Capital in Dover. A
tract of 10 acres of land adjoining the Delaware State College
grounds at 866 North duPont Blvd. and Route #13 was purchased. On
This dedication was attended by the top political and
agricultural leaders of the state. Governor Pierre S. duPont,
former Governor Sherman W. Tribbitts, Secretary of Agriculture,
Alden S. Hopkins, and members of the General Assembly, along with
all the farm organizations participated in the ceremonies.
Governor duPont, in his remarks, said ‘May this museum
prosper for the remainder of the history of the state.’
Ex-governor Tribbett called this museum ‘A salute to
agriculture, and thus recognizes its importance in our
The President of the new museum, Mr. Edward F. Evans, whose
efforts of many years are now rewarded, was asked when the museum
would be completed. He declared ‘I hope it will never be
completed’, and expressed a fervant hope that it would be an
example in conformity for each new generation.
There will be steam traction engines, gasoline tractors with
one, two, four and six cylinders of various manufacturers, portable
engines, tread powers, threshers and much farm equipment of past
times to demonstrate to future generations what made America.
One small four-room farm house, such as prevailed in Delaware
circa 1900 and beyond has been donated by Dr. Homer Minus of Dover.
In the future there are plans for a village blacksmith, country
church, little red school house, country store, grist mill and
perhaps a sawmill, as well as other buildings which portray the
history of Delaware.
And certainly not to be forgotten are the Delaware ladies and
their culinary skill. Anyone who has had the privilege of eating
the tasty chicken as well as other foods in the Grange Hall or at
other local food stands will not forget this large Fair in this
small state. The Delaware ladies are also promoting the museum by
compiling a Delaware cookbook. Many people collect these. Anyone
who is interested can write to Mrs. Diane Wicks, R.D. 1, Box 34,
Middletown, Delaware 19709.