By George Shepherd
Published on May 1, 1974
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St. Peter's Church on the Museum street. Fully accredited. Several weddings have been solemnised in the Church. More are planned for this June. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Western Development Museum, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
St. Peter's Church on the Museum street. Fully accredited. Several weddings have been solemnised in the Church. More are planned for this June. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Western Development Museum, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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The Museum staged this old time threshing scene for a coast to coast T. V. production. - A busy Saskatchewan threshing picture showing equipment from the Western Development Museum. This 25-75 J. I. Case steam engine is operating a large wooden 38-62 Buff
The Museum staged this old time threshing scene for a coast to coast T. V. production. - A busy Saskatchewan threshing picture showing equipment from the Western Development Museum. This 25-75 J. I. Case steam engine is operating a large wooden 38-62 Buff
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A Museum Case steamer. Bert Greenwalt, 80 years old volunteer at the controls. This 12-36 J. I. Case steamer is one of the Museum's parade engines and is typical of the machines that broke the prairie sod and threshed the bumper crops in the homestead day
A Museum Case steamer. Bert Greenwalt, 80 years old volunteer at the controls. This 12-36 J. I. Case steamer is one of the Museum's parade engines and is typical of the machines that broke the prairie sod and threshed the bumper crops in the homestead day
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The Museum's 1908 Avery Undermounted 20-60 HP, in excellent operating order. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Museum Curator, Western Development Museum, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
The Museum's 1908 Avery Undermounted 20-60 HP, in excellent operating order. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Museum Curator, Western Development Museum, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Museum Curator.

The Western Development Museums in Saskatchewan, the Museums in
the North, are happy to report to the readers of the Iron Men Album
another year of great activity and progress. It is most encouraging
to note the great interest being shown by the general public and
all forms of government, and the business fraternity, in the

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